Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Internship Learning Objectives

As part of my internship, I have to provide daily journal entries to my internship supervisor every few weeks. My entries are not to include lists of daily tasks, instead, they will be reflections that relate to the five learning objectives I created for my overall internship experience. Fortunately for me and due to the nature of the work performed in Technical Services, all of my objectives are interconnected.

When I created my learning objectives, I wanted one goal to be the production of a multimedia piece for the library system or as a stand alone project to share at the end of the semester. This worked well with the department's desire to include video tutorials on the library system's website. So when I walked in on day one, my primary project began. I will be creating screencast tutorials of how-to's on topics such as How Do I Renew My Items? My research on screencasting software began immediately because I've never created a screencast. Stay tuned!

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